Friday, 30 September 2011

frei-tag lab's birthday

frei-tag lab is born today  

frei-tag - Friday
Friday - O.E. frigedæg "Frigga's day," from Frige, gen. of Frig , Germanic goddess of married love
frei-tag - 'free day'

lab - abbreviation of laboratoy
laboratory - c.1600, "building set apart for scientific experiments," from M.L. laboratorium "a place for labor or work," from L. laboratus, pp. of laborare "to work"

frei-tag lab is intended as a 'show and tell' space for experiments in crafting and making. 

frei-tag lab will be updated every Friday with work from during the week.

frei-tag lab is speculative. Hopefully, some experiments will work, others are likely to fail. Here's hoping that some of the failures are spectacular!